Dolomite is a mineral! I mean, the name sounds like some kind of mineral, but it’s an anhydrous carbonate mineral, and no, I’m not a geologist,  but I can Google like one, so I can tell you it’s composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, CaMg(CO3)2 and all I have to add to that is VW Beetle/Type I crankcases were made of magnesium. The name also refers to a sedentary carbonate rock, which can be produced from limestone in a process known as, shockingly, dolomitization, which happens when magnesium ions replace calcium ions, like I’m sure you’ve seen happen in your own homes. There’s also something called the Dolomite Problem, which has to do with the fact that the fossil record is full of dolomite, but we’ve seen relatively little made in modern times, so what the hell is going on? Oh, and don’t confuse dolomite, with Dolemite, created by comedian Rudy Ray Moore, which was a ’70s Blacksplotation film about a badass pimp with a stable of kung-fu prostitutes who settles scores and, likely, hash. Okay! Glad we got all that cleared up! Yes, I am a mineralogist.

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